Friday, October 26, 2007

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Thank you so much for all of your funny cheer-me-ups. I tell ya, virtual friends and neighborhood friends can sure help a sista get outta bed!

My pal Phyllis came by for lunch and a visit. She was bearing gifts...

Phyllis brought me this cute little space shuttle pencil sharpener on the very same afternoon that it took off. She works for an aeronautics non profit so she knows lots about space and NASA stuff. It is good to have smart friends who can knit!

My friend Shirley had a fun wine and cheese knit night.

There was lots of knitting show and tell -

This is a beautiful silk boucle that she finished. She finished her boucle project before me :(

I also spent the day with my garden club for a hike in the almost rain. It was the first time that I'd been in the forest right after rain. The day began with a beautiful 1 1/2 hour drive where we got to enjoy the beautiful Fall foliage show as we drove to upstate New York. We only got lost once and stopped this guy to ask for directions.

I'm wearing this Araucania Patagonia cotton hat that I made, it was suppose to be a wee bit oversized. Aw geez, I had no idea how ginormas it is. I frogged it that night.

Our guide was very passionate about the living forest and our connection to it all. We learned that earth worms are not indigenous to forests. As a gardener that was a revelation because I introduce earth worms to my compost and garden in order to aid in soil production. This process is not beneficial to the forest because it speeds up the break down of the forest floor too rapidly. You see, we are never too old to learn!

Rhinebeck loot

See, I really didn't buy much. Had I successfully made it over to the wine tent, perhaps I would have loosened up to buy more.


  1. I am going to have to try one of those "wine and cheese knit" nights here!

    Gurl I am glad you like to go hiking you are so doing it for me instead! Haha! :op

    You did good @ Rhinebeck! How far is your travel to there? I would love to go but didn't realize it was in NY...a bit of a hike for me :o)

  2. You did really good with your Rhinebeck haul.

    Thanks for your comment. I'm very much a product knitter and very rational in my approach. If I knit something, it must be useful. Knitting garments is a way of furthering my wardrobe. If I'm going to spend this time knitting like a crazy person, I should definitely get some clothes (wear) out of it!

  3. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Wow, you really kept your cool at Rhinebeck, good for you! Glad you're doing better. Wine, cheese & walks in the woods sound perfect.

  4. Glad you're happier! I did not know that about worms. How weird!

    That wine and cheese looks as good as knitting with friends sounds!

  5. The pencil sharpener is the coolest!

  6. Wine and cheese knit night. Cool! Your yarn purchases are nice too. That Briar Rose colorway is pretty. Very autumnal.

  7. isn't boucle the best word? i love to say it aloud... Boucle! and that briar rose skein you brought home looks super lovely, yum!

  8. Thanks for the comment. Yeah! I am always in mood for some yarn hunt(It is fall, right´?).I give you a call when family returned to Norway. will I see you at Close knit the 15 this month? Love the colors on your purshases. See! I am not the only one frogging- but some times it is necessary. Worms are good for some things , but I did not know they was no good to the fores floor.
    Love the smell in the forest after rain.Earthy.

  9. Your gardening photos are beautiful, and the hat looks good to, even if it was big.

  10. Thanks for the pics they are lovely. I learn something new everyday – that earth worms speeds up the break down of the forest floor. Good looking purchases – totally love the briar rose.

  11. I like what you got at Rhinebeck, esp that Briar Rose stuff. NICE colors.
