Those of you who haven't enough knitting and tend to waste your hours away on Ravelry vicariously checking out what other knitters are doing would appreciate this. Over on the Jon Stewart Group, I decided that it would be fun for a bunch of us to meetup for one of his tapings.
We stood on line and happily chatted and knitted/crocheted the hours away. Just before we were led into the studio, we had to pass through an official looking xray machine and empty our belonging into a plastic tub, airline style.
My addi turbos holding my jon stewart beenie was unceremoniously confiscated! A very cute black security guard placed it into a lock box. I pleaded with him and his face said that he wished that he could "hook a sista up", but his job was a bit more important. Even after I explained that my addi's have blunt tips and only the addi lace turbos have pointy tips... He wasn't impressed. He liked his job and wasn't going to be seduced by a 49 year old knitter, not even one from Jersey.
He did, however, give me a dreamy look of regret and promised me that they would be safe and that he would personally return them to me after the show. So went all of our knitting, put away in a dinky plastic safe as if they were dangerous. Oh, world, how little you know ye. Knitters are the most peaceful, law abiding, generous....
Inside the show, with absolutely nothing to do with my hands, we waited another hour until the warm up show began. A very funny comedian comes out to "warm up the crowd". It was funny but I was still pouting about my incarcerated knitting. Then we were instructed on how to clap and and when not to clap. Since I had nothing in my hands I guess I could be a good clapper.
When Jon Stewart came out he was very perky. He said that he likes to start the show by asking if anyone had any questions:
Me: "Do you knit?"
Jon: "Er, no?"
Me: "Precisely, because if you did you would not have instructed your very cute security guy to confiscate my knitting BEFORE I got to finish your hat."
Jon: "So you think that two sharp implements that you could theoretically gouge the eyes out of any unsuspecting guest isn't reason enough to lock up those weapons."
Me: "They aren't weapons they are addi turbo needles."
Jon: "So those needles have names, do they? What other kind of needles are there and why are YOUR needles so special"
Me: "There are many kinds. My needles ARE very special and as a matter of fact, some people are so devoted to them they refer to themselves as 'Addi Ho's'."
Jon: "For some reason, when I think of 'Ho's' I don't think of knitters...."
OH ! The conversation between you and Jon Stewart; PRICELESS !!! That is too funny! As savvy a guy as Jon is, I would have thought he'd know about Addi's. Hmmmph, ya never know about some folks. That is a very pretty picture of you.
LOL @ Guess you could be a good clapper!
Ok...tell me that convo didn't really happen!
Too funny! Gurl you should have given the cute security guard my # LOL ;op
How silly. Post this to the Fake News group and the Addi Turbo group and have them deluge the show with emails of protest!
OH YOU DID NOT!!!! I am ROTFL!!! I'm surprised you didn't get mentioned on the show!!!!
That's hilarious that you had that whole conversation about your knitting needles. Too bad you couldn't knit. That makes it hard, but you got to have convo with Jon, so not so bad, right?
Hahaha! This is too funny. You told Jon Stewart you're an Addi Ho. I love it!
that poor man. how is it that security into his show is tighter than when you get onto an airplane? at least the security guard was nice. and he missed out on a hat, too. i just feel sorry for. but he did it to himself.
He didn't deserve the hat. How dare they! I'm used to being just left alone by non crafters, but this was an assault and an insult. You did very well at keeping your composure. There had to be other knitters besides those in your group who could have stood up for you. Hey, I know. Give the hat to the security guard, on my behalf of course, LOL.
Very least you have a good sense of humor about the whole dare they take your knitting away!!!!
I don't think this was fake news at all. I know you. That's exactly how the conversation went down. I've just dried my eyes from laughing so much. You should have lobbied for a regular spot on the show.
LOL very funny got your knitting back?
that is so great!! i'm sorry i couldn't be there, it looks like you guys had a fantastic time!
perhaps this can be a once a year thing! :)
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