It was a lovely drive to this beautiful garden center she found. I didn't know where to look first - perennials, shade garden plants, trees, shrubs...
I spied lots of shrubs that wanted to come home with me
While I meandered about checking out the waves of fauna and enjoying the blazing sun that I was beginning to think was a phantom notion never to return to our planet, Phyllis was taking care of business with the garden guys
Hungry and dehydrated, we set out to find food. While enjoying a nice lunch in a tavern that had a nice outdoor garden, Phyllis and I got to eat, knit and plot her planting schedule when BOOM!
A car wreck where no one was hurt brought what seemed like the entire town and every first responder on and off the payroll, in and out of uniform and some who didn't bother to finish getting into uniform!
When I got home, I got a call from the prom dude that he was coming home early, yes! So, in celebration, mamma baked him a cake and made so much barbecue that I swear my hair is permanently infused with smoke. No matter, my son is safe and was all prommed out!
I'm glad you could resist.The garden center is awesome.
We have wisteria in two yards on my block and it is gorgeous. You can tell they've been growing for a long time by the thick vines.
I know you're glad you can relax now with prom son home.
Walking into a garden center can be just as bad for me as walking into a yarn shop, w/o a plan I can buy WAYY too much!!! Plus I know wooly stash won't die like the leafy stuff, so I tend to behave better. However, that was one NICE place!
Glad he is home safe and sound. BTW LOVED the tan comment!! LOL
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