I've returned from North Carolina and the 10 plus hour drive. I'm sufficiently brain dead, emotionally drained and generally catatonic. Nothing can prepare you for the rush of emotions when you drop a child off to college. For the past 13 years, I've had 3 children to care for, and now there are 2...
Dorm setup, "Mom I'd rather do it myself."
Do I look scholarly yet?
Our contribution to Target's bottom line
I have loads more pictures that I'm sorting through so stay tuned. Yarn therapy is a good thing. When I was anxious, my family and my car's GPS system helped me to find yarn stores. I got some great bargains and met some sweet knitter store ladies in both Greensboro and Chapel Hill that I'm eager to tell you about.
Oh, and before I forget, here are pictures of some projects I finished before I left. These were manic knitting events that I threw myself into usually around midnight when I couldn't sleep worrying about all the logistics with getting this boy young man off to school.
A nice silk, cotton and cashmere poncho for the end of the summer.
Another poncho from loads of rowan tape that I bought on a closeout close to 2 years ago.
And last but certainly not least, my blogger pal Marce talked about starting this so I thought I would join her when I realized that I had too many of these -
Because you'll need lots to make this (but it is fun)
Figured out what it is yet? I bought the yarn in Rhinebeck last Fall.
The famous
Clapotismy first.
Sharing with my cousins.