Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Idiosyncratic or...

ADHD (acronym for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - for all of you foreigners out there who don't live in a society that sticks a disorder name on all of your weird character traits). I've discovered that I prefer knitting things that require two matching pairs, at the same time!

Crystal Palace Taos

You see I know me in all of my idiosyncratic, ADHD leaning weirdness. I know I would be the perfect victim of second pair syndrome (socksters call this second sock syndrome but since I CAN'T knit socks, I've created my own name). This is a condition that one suffers when one successfully FO'd (finished object) one part to a pair and never get around to doing the second. So far, I've finished 2 pairs of Fetching mitts this way and my psycho brain thinks I finished a pair at the same time!

By the way, thats ROOT BEER not bourbon.


Mary Anne said...

Your Fetching mitts are awesome! and I know you will conquer socks one day.

Beatriz said...

Knitting socks that way helps a lot. Beautiful Fetching mitts! You know, that root beer reminds me I need to get some Johnnie Walker for the Holidays!

LaVerna said...

After the week you just had I don't think anyone would blame you if that was bourbon!Nice mitts!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful! I love those colors! I like to knit socks that way too.

sherry said...

You had a SKUNK in your house, you would have been FULLY INTITLED to bourbon!! The mitts are gorgeous. I need to try a pair of those myself--I must branch out from scarf after scarf after scarf.

AR said...

Love the mitts!
I'd be drinking bourbon if I had to deal with skunks. That is a cute pic, though.

Anonymous said...

Your mitts came out really nice. I love the color. I suffer from ADD. I always have 4 or 5 projects going on at the same time, but I'm sure I'm not alone out there. Right? :-).

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Fetching! And the photo!