Monday, August 21, 2006

Unexpected Chores

I've begun moving the kitchen's dishes into the dining room. Not a fun chore to do while one limps. Let's see, when stuck with lemons, make lemonade - maybe it's time for a garage sale. Who needs so mch fiestaware anyway?

When the hell will I get time to knit with all of this crap to do? Last night, I gave up on figuring out all the tag line jargon with this blog and started a dishcloth. Yes, you heard me, I do do those. Wrap one up with a sweet bar of soap and it will cheer up any teary friend. So far, I've cheered myself up many, many times!

1 comment:

Deborah said...


If you love my dishes then you must, must go over and visit yarnstorm and two point sticks. They are what I call color porn!