Friday, September 29, 2006
Violets are Blue.
Ok, back to work for me...
Have you any wool?
This is what I sent her -

I put it in a bowl for a "yarn tasting" idea.
It was a one time exchange and she seemed happy with her surprise. Don't ask me why we do these swaps. I think for me as a new blogger, it sounded like a great idea to learn about the knitting blogging community.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Field Trip - Montclair

Yesterday I went on a field trip to Modern Yarn in Montclair, NJ. I wanted to get something different for my Have You Any Wool swap partner. I found out about Modern Yarn quite by accident. Some months ago, my family went on a random drive one Sunday and we decided to stop in Montclair. As we were walking around enjoying the shops - restaurants, book stores (yes, plural), novelty shops, antique shops, YARN STORE!! I couldn't believe my good luck. I sent the others along and I went inside. They carry a full line of Morehouse Farm wool and I bought a kit to make a felted tam - I haven't started that project yet :o
This visit was very much intentional. After going inside, I meet Kristine -

who was knitting and helping some customers. After we all exchanged oohs and ahhs about our various finished projects we were wearing or working on, I noticed that one of the women is from my town! That was funny. We knitters get around! As more shoppers arrived, I decided to meander and shop myself -

I had a nice afternoon at Modern Yarn and I've met yet another kindly knitter!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
The last rose of summer...
Each year, I have a personal debate with some plants over whether I should let them go to seed or not. This 'conversation' is usually with my herbs. While oregano produces beautiful tiny flowers, mint becomes wooden and their leaves too small to harvest.
Rose season is over for most of us. Especially those of us who fight to keep them healthy all summer, it is usually late august that we lose the battle. I don't have much luck with roses. I used to plant a new bush each year but it became a depressing affair. After their initial profusion in June, it was down hill from there. I don't like using pesticides in my garden. If you grow roses, you almost always have to use fungicides and so much more. Three years ago, I planted my first climbing yellow rose. The first year it was nearly defoliated by aphids. Its second year the summer was very wet - black spot nearly killed it. This summer it was neglect - I nearly killed it by not feeding it or spraying it with my kitchen made soapy wash.
Today, however, she gifted me with these beautiful last sun washed flowers, it will be her last before she goes off to sleep for the winter -

I also have a lot of Russian sage and this is when she is most vibrant and prolific -

Monday, September 25, 2006
Am I crazy or what?
Instead, I sat out in my garden and saw how wild it had become in the two weeks that I wasn't feeling well. I sat there and didn't get up to fix anything either. Obediently sitting and listening to the quiet and the hum of bees -

I've fallen lin love with dahlias again, how can one little tuber produce such color and beauty?
Ahh, there in the background, was a pool that had become a pond...
Oh well, another day perhaps, I'll take care of that, maybe. In the meanwhile, I'll just wait and 'ponder' the color green. If I concentrate, do you think I can get some lilies to take root that will conjure up some frogs?
There were some things that I was able to finish. It is packed and off to Brazil. Gee, I sure hope she sends me some Jobim (hint, hint).
Busy Monday Morning

Well, I'm back on my feet. I still feel a bit sore about the midsection, the doc suggests that I take alleve. I've never taken that before, I hope it doesn't give me heart valve problems! Next week I go for more nureological tests before they decide what to do with me.
This morning my gardening group will pull out all of the summer flowers over at our town's library and put in mums. While change of seasons can be joyful, I always find this activity - pulling summer flowers- to be a bit sad. The mums are a nice consolation but saying goodbye to the delicate petals of petunias and impatients makes me a bit melancholic.
In my garden, I wait until the very last opportunity, when after the season sends messages to the flowers and they willingly go to bed themselves, slowing fading and falling off to sleep..

After that I zoom over to a library committee meeting to discuss the programs for the upcoming year. In previous years we planned an American Girl fashion show, March Madness basketball festival featuring games and sports authors, poetry readings, film festivals, Harry Potter breakfasts and many other book related activities.
This afternoon, I race off to the post office to mail off my aqua/red swap that I finished overnight (yes I found my double pointed needles!). Pictures coming. I've also gone and registered with several other swaps - Secret Sister Swap, What's in a Purse swap... these are the inexpensive and effortless fun aspects to being part of this crafty blogging community! You should join one, go to and check out the choices and sign up!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hung out to dry...
I'm not 100% happy with how the bag came out, colors don't always blend the way we felters like. Noro's Kureyon does this the best. I learned from some folks in the Bagaholic KAL group that Patons has a new line called SWS and the colorways blend nicely. There were some mixed reviews on it but maybe I'll try it out for myself on a little project. (Notice how I'm already thinking of buying more yarn in the middle of a zillion other projects I've got going!)
Ok, back to the task at hand, the entire felting process took maybe 30 minutes. This is the result after about 10 minutes in the machine (please pardon the washed out pictures, my laundry room is in the basement and the lighting is pretty stark down there).

To speed the process up I added some boiling water. I also took the bag out of the pillowcase so it could get more agitation. This yarn doesn't have much mohair in it so it shouldn't shed too much more.

Its getting close but it still needs about 10 more minutes. I've been at this now for 20 minutes.

After 30 minutes of agitation with lots of checking in beween, its about as felted as I want. I'll rinse it with cold water so that I can cool it down to wring out the water.

I'm using the jug from my dress steamer as a form (the form should be a bit larger than the project so you'll have to stretch and tug to get it to fit). Drying will take any where from 24-48 hours. I've still got to find my double pointed needles to do the icord. I can dry it in the dryer.

Making up for lost time...
Here's were I am -

Finished this portion around 9pm.

I couldn't finish the icord strap, I couldn't find my double pointed needles anywhere. Bummer. So I did this instead...

This washcloth thing is really addictive. My photographs of them aren't as nice as Dish Cloths Galore or as I mentioned before, Knitn Fool's but they are instant gratification projects that you get to use immediately and everyday.
At about 12:30, I decided to read. These are the two books I'm enjoying right now. Barbara's book reads like a conversation. Taking pictures for the blog is only one of the challenges with maintaining this thing, being able to write somewhat cogently (am I??) requires lots of practice.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Red and Aqua Swap

I'm a little late with mailing out my swap, I hadn't planned for this back thing. But I was way ahead of schedule because when I signed up for the swap I was so excited about having an excuse to buy stuff I wouldn't ordinarily buy, I got it done and boxed and was just waiting for where to send it.

Then, I get my swap buddy - she's Brazilian (cool) and likes felted stuff and clothes. Is there anything in that box that resembles any of that? No! So, I've decided to do this for my buddy -

A small bag that I'll felt. As you can see I'm using Patons Classic Wool and a little bit of Karabella Gossamer leftover from a shawl I made, this will give it a little glitz. I hope it stays sunny outside so I can dry it all day tomorrow. That's right the goal is to finish it today, dry it on Saturday and mail it on Monday. I hope the swap fairies are kind to me when I get my rating! As for the original swap box, I'll have to gift that to someone else. Any takers??
Thursday, September 21, 2006
MRI - been there done that...
The only thing that worried me this time with the MRI was if something got sucked into the machine with me this time...
I find out the results today, hopefully. Meanwhile I can't take any more of those oxylimbaugh drugs so I'm not feeling too good as I sit here writing. Oh, and any suggestions on how to tell my doctor that I went to see a neurologist rather than an orthopedist?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Baby don't got back....
Monday I felt worse but I could function. After I got the children off to school, I called my doctor. He suggested steroids, only the second course this month. I thought about a day at the spa instead, except I wondered if I could thoroughly enjoy it feeling this badly so I decided against it. I finally did what any smart knitter would do, I talked it over with the owner of my favorite LYS. As serendipity would have it, she knows a good nerve guy and gave me the name of her neurologist. Oh man, this is the best part where it was confirmed that this was a true celestine prophesy thing - his practice is across the street from the yarn studio where the knit master genius who has my sweater pattern in her head has her store! And, if that's not good enough for you cynics out there who are all rolling your eyes, it is also across the street from this weaving place Loop of the Loom that I've been trying to visit for months now. They boast being able to teach you to weave after 1 session and you get to bring your masterpiece home!
Ok, ok so in my shape all of this is fairly moot since I can barely walk, sit or stand without wanting to scream except screaming would involve expanding my diaphram which would hurt like hell so we don't scream, we just whimper which I hate because mothers are not wimps!
I drive to Englewood to see this neurologist worried now that I might piss off my doctor because I haven't called him to let him know that I'm seeing another man. After a bunch of probing and kneading and reflexing, he prescribes these:

I should have called Cindi, my way cool pharmacist friend and fellow knitter before I took those pills because I gotta tell you, I don't know how Russ gets out of bed on this crap (but it does explain why he doesn't have a clue). Ain't no way anybody can function the day after and the day during you are on these drugs. If this is what I have to feel like just to get rid of excruciating pain, I'll take the pain.
Well, I'm off to get my MRI - film at 11.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
A serious dilemma

His friend couldn't go because of a soccer make up game so he gave it to my son (why don't I have friends with season tickets??)
My husband hadn't come in from work and I had to decide whether to even tell him about these. Imagine my Saturday, I'd get to sit at Yankee Stadium with at least a 2 hour window of knitting! Plenty of sunshine, excitement... But I did the right thing, I gave them to dad.
This is how my soon to be 12 year old felt about it. He so wanted to go too.

Friday, September 15, 2006
Friday knit fest
Knitting with heavy worsted boucle feels like you are weaving pelts. The individual stitches are barely visible. The Knit Master genius took the 'pelts' and basted them together and motioned for me to try it on. She made some adjustments to my "pattern" and told me that, "because you have a drape, we make some places shorter."

After I knitted up from where I made my mistake, I did my bind off careful not to make it too lose and certainly not too tight. Feeling inspired, I pulled out my FO silk/wool boucle scarf. I bought the yarn there a few days ago. I made some adjustments to the Knit Master's recommendation, she suggested that I use 10 1/2 needles, CO 25 stitches and do the whole scarf in garter stitch. She said, "the beauty of the wool is enough, you don't need fancy stitch competing with boucle." But oh no, miss know-it-all-wanna-be-designer me, decided to CO only 15. Then in an attempt to add flourish, I crocheted a lightly ruffled border. You should have seen her face! The look of incredulity as I opened up the scarf gave me no doubt as to what she would say, and she said it - "there is not balance in that scarf, it look homemade."
Dayum, was all I could say, in my head. This is what it looked like before I frogged.

After that I decided it was time to leave. For my trip back home. I have to take 2 highways. But, you know what the consolation is - I must pass by a giant AC Moore. I don't know what the thrill is with these craft supermarkets but I do love looking at all the crazy crafts I could do if I had 9 more hours of leisure time. As I meandered through the yarn section I see this -

Need a closer look, check out all of those colors!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Dinner diversions, part 2
As I rush in, I'm in the produce section and what do I see? Plaintains!! It is nearly impossible to get plaintains here, I usually have to go to an ethnic/Caribbean neighborhood which is way far from me soooooo I throw them in my basket. Notice, it's a basket not a cart, more insurance that I won't buy too much stuff.
I know, I know, you see something else in there. Well, that's to deglaze the pan for gravy of course!
I trot over to the dairy section to get the butter and before I get to the butter, there's milk, nope don't need that, there's, there's my favorite yogurt! This stuff is unbelievably smooth and nobody else carries this brand. Gotta get some.
So in the basket they go.
Ok, so now I find the stuff I came here for, butter. The only problem is I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY EVERYTHING IN MY BASKET. I'm looking around waiting for Bob Barker to show up from the Price is Right. Geez, what to put back now, wine costs $12, yogurts are $.99 each and I have how many... butter is $4.99, wait would somebody tell me why organic butter is more expensive? Those cows don't take drugs and we all know how much prescription drugs costs so this butter should be way cheaper than regular butter, right?? What a racket. Well, looks like I don't have enough, I'll have to put something back. Wait, I look inside my little drivers license pouch and there's $20! I now have $40. My friends over at taught me that trick, to always put $20 in there because you never know when you'll need a little extra dough and we all have had situations when we change purses and forget to put the wallet (with money in it) in the new purse. Oh man, I'm loaded. I can get everything!